Petane Pétillant Naturel 2024
Our Pet Nat journey started in 2018 with a vintage working for good friends Brendon and Kirsty (BK Wines) in the Adelaide Hills.
The White Flash marks our 4th edition and is named after our 7 year old Jimmy, aka 'The White Flash'. In the days pre-cyclone, as we were all out amongst the vines picking grapes during harvest, we would occasionally glimpse a flash of blond hair as Jimmy raced up and down the rows, sampling grapes and keeping us all on our toes.
There is only one thing Jimmy loves more than running around and doing rarkies on his bike and that's drawing and painting. Thank you Jimmy for the background label art work, the cheque is in the mail.
This is a living, organic wine made from handpicked Chardonnay grapes from the Osawa Vineyard in the Mangatahi Valley, Hawke's Bay.
Served chilled as.